No, not a professional production. It’s Japanese From Zero versus a fan of All Japanese All The Time (AJATT).
I like Japanese From Zero. I haven’t really looked at the printed materials that George Trombley puts out, but his videos are always informative. His explanations are clear, and he definitely knows his spoken Japanese very well. Then there is a guy called Matt, who runs the YouTube channel Matt VS Japan, and is a fervent disciple of the AJATT method.
I don’t know a lot about AJATT, beyond the fact that its website reads like it was written by a dude bro who is trying to sell me insurance. As for the AJATT system, it seems to have a lot to do with intense immersion in listening to Japanese media 24/7, and working a set of sentences.
The interplay between the two online is interesting, in a drama battle kind of way. I just find the way that AJATT is presented seems more like a religion than a language learning system.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the videos yet, here they are: