It’s no secret I’m a fan of WaniKani. I’ve tried other systems, but this one just clicks for me.

But using it away from a large keyboard has always been a pain. I find no problem with doing 25 reviews in one session in front of my computer. With my phone, I can do maybe 10 and then put it down. The keyboard is too small, the text is too hard to read. Japanese is not made for people with poor eyesight.

But then. on the WaniKani community site, I saw the announcement of a new Android app: Flaming Durtles. Intrigued. I thought I’d check it out. I had a nice app already, but it had too small text.

Well, I’ve only used it once, but it has some very nice features. Larger text, it reads the study word or phrase back to you when you get it right, and it gives you a very useful dashboard when you first log in.

Flaming Durtles and other apps and user scripts developed by the WaniKani community are part of what make WaniKani a great way to learn Japanese kanji and some vocabulary. It’s a supplement to more rigorous grammar studies, but it’s a solid supplement for what it does.

And the best part of all is that Flaming Durtles is free! I’m amazed that something this polished isn’t a pay to buy. Online communities can be positive places!

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